Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Campaign Finance Regulations - 1453 Words

Campaign finance regulations have the potential to stifle free speech and impede the election process created for fair and efficient elections. These laws, which limit political spending, serves to limit speech by restricting the average citizen’s ability to both receive and deliver political messages. Laws that restrict spending on political campaigns not only dampen freedoms of speech but but have a counter affect on our democratic society. Regardless of which political side of the fence you are on, these laws work more to extend the problem they purport to fix. Allowing more contributions simply permits more people to participate in the  ­system — thus diffusing influence, rather than concentrating it among the large corporations and unions. Campaign ­-finance reform, then, actually undermines the effort to  ­promote equal access to the political arena. This slippery slope started a long time ago, essentially at the founding of our republic. James Madison knew that men, by their nature, were not angels. Madison’s approach was rather than limit the â€Å"factions† that naturally exist in a free society, but rather to control their ill effects. â€Å"The society itself will be broken into so many parts, interests and classes of citizens that the rights of individuals, or of the minority, will be in little danger†. In other words, the idea was not to limit our many factions but to allow them to divide and limit the power of government itself so their many interests could notShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Debate Over Campaign Finance Regulations2085 Words   |  9 PagesNearly all assets to a candidate for political office, such a media advertisements, travel expenses and campaign supplies rely on fiscal support. In an age when electronic media rules supreme, money has never been more important. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Comparative Politics Terrorism Edition - 952 Words

Comparative Politics: Terrorism Edition Over the last couple of decades, terrorism has risen from near-obscurity to become a commonly held fear among members of society. Up until the late 90’s, incidents of terrorism never rose past 500. The numbers spiked the years following, reaching over 6,500 in 2006. (Mohamed, Roser) No longer can we dismiss acts of terrorism as irrelevant or isolated incidents. At first glance, terrorism seems irrational with motives too diverse to narrow down. For the sake of our lives and the safety of future generations, we must find ways to explain terrorism and discover ways we can stop its reign of terror in modern society. Answering these questions call for an examination and application of rationalist, culturalist, and structuralist approaches, as well as thorough investigation into a mixed design case study regarding the issue. A rational approach method can explain terrorism by identifying responsiveness to incentives, narrow self-interest, and rational expectations underlying the motivations of terrorists as individuals. We know that Mohammed, for instance, promises paradise to all who fall in â€Å"a holy war†. (Caplan) Once we identify what these cultures value and believe, we can begin to understand the rational thought process behind these acts of terror. The independent variable would be ‘the general degree of radicalism’ and the dependent would be ‘terrorism incidents’. Most terrorism attacks in the past decade have taken place in theShow MoreRelatedAnalyzing The Brexit ( Uk Leaving The Eu ) Using An Ir Theory Of Your Choice Essay1819 Words   |  8 Pagesstudy of international relations, this papers focus on the Brexit case will be narrowed down to focus on the influences of economic liberalism and interdependence, otherwise widely known as liberal institutionalism and the implications of non-state terrorism that informed the democratic ‘exit’ choice. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Retroactive a Single Work of Art, with Many Faces Free Essays

A Single Work of Art, With Many Faces By: Logan Dodge Few works of art are able to perfectly capture a period of time as thoroughly as Paul Reassurances does with his masterpiece titled, Retroactive. He was one of the first artist who wanted to take mass media into the art studio, and break down the barriers between art and things like advertising, newspapers, and television. Retroactive is a brilliant collage of iconic images from the early ass’s and it captured all of its political drama, scientific breakthrough, and the emotions that went along with that time period. We will write a custom essay sample on Retroactive: a Single Work of Art, with Many Faces or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is a masterpiece, but it is a masterpiece that almost did not happen. In 1961, America led a failed invasion of the communist island of Cuba. This led to the Cuban missile crisis the following year and in 1963, a man sits in the back seat of a car with his wife. Both of them waving to the crowd gathered at the sides of the road. A few minutes later that very car would be racing away as the onlookers scattered in terror. The president had been shot and killed in Dallas, and an artist decides to abandon a painting he had been working on. The death of President Kennedy left people in awe. The great man who had prevented doomsday, and who had stood up to the communist was now dead. And for Reassurances, continuing his work felt wrong. Reassurances thankfully did not completely abandon the work and instead approached it with a new goal and from another angle. He began working on Retroactive again with the goal of memorizing a dead hero. For Reassurances, with his goal of breaking down boundaries between mass media and art, Kennedy would be the perfect subject. Kennedy had become an idol and a martyr for the American people to look up to. So he restarted his work on Retroactive, Throwing out the idea of t being completely a painting he restarted his work. Instead, â€Å"Robert Reassurances reintroduced recognizable imagery into contemporary art, and preferred employing popular mass media, such as newspapers, magazines and television, as his sources. Reassurances transferred these â€Å"found† media images to canvas, using commercially prepared bibliographic silk screens† (Headwords Athenian). img class="alignright wp-image-34551" src="https://donemyessay.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/92a1dfa8d764906c69c5cfcd48cc153d-identity-art-face-photo-200x300.jpg" alt="A Single Work of Art, With Many Faces" width="342" height="513" / Reassurance’s use of disconnected pop culture images and putting them into the work shows a use of the collage method of art. His use of objects that are historically important also shows the theme of capturing history, and the human experience. Kennedy, the space race, and the use of color all come together to become a work that captures the emotion of an important time in history. The work would be finished in 1964. In his work titled Retroactive, The most prominent and central figure is that of President Kennedy. His image is in large proportion compared to the others that take up the remainder of the work. He is the central image because image from one of Kennedy’s televised debates, showing him in a position of strength and confidence that defined his character as a leader. His hand is repeated in the OTTOMH left corner pointing as it is in the larger central picture of Kennedy, to show the authority of Kennedy, further reinforcing the character of the assassinated President. Kennedy is colored the cool color of blue to embody the sadness felt by the country after his assassination. Through the use of color to evoke emotion, and the central figure of Kennedy, Reassurances tries to make Kennedy into a metaphor for America, he tries to turn him into a symbol for what the great American is, and can be. Much of this painting can be interpreted in multiple ways. In Retroactive, There is a black cloud over Kennedy’s head. This with the red and enlarged image by Gluon Mil, that was originally published in Time Magazine†(Andrew Graham-Dixon). Represents the black cloud hanging over Kennedy’s head during and after his presidency in what is known now as The Cuban Missile Crisis. Red was the color that represented Communism around the world. The warm color of red is also used. It comes in contrast to the cool color of blue used to shade Kennedy’s central image. Red is the color of blood, and the memories of when the world came so close to spilling the blood of everyone who inhabits this planet must have surely haunted Kennedy in the mind of Reassurances. As I said with the double meanings of certain aspects of this painting, if one wants to see Kennedy as a representation of the great American citizen, the black cloud would be the sadness of the American people, the black cloud that would hang over this country for many years after the assassination of its beloved President. The imagery that this evokes is astoundingly vivid. Each generation has a great sadness that occurs. One that shocks, surprises, and devastates, the populace. Reassurances knows how much his death meant, and explores the emotions that the assassination led much of America to feel. In the top left hand corner there is an image of an astronaut, angelically hanging in space. His image represents the scientific advancements during the early ass’s by the United States. It also represents Kennedy’s ambitious goal of special exploration he announced to the American public in 1961. The astronaut could also represent an angel, hanging over the dead presidents head, or possibly the fact that it is above all the other images could possibly represent Reassurance’s personal belief that Kennedy’s triumph in his goal to explore space alongside the American people, will e what is most highly remembered after Kennedy’s death. The oranges might represent the state of Florida. Kennedy’s image between the oranges and the red picture in the bottom right corner of the work, further represents Kennedy’s invaluable intervention in the Cuban Missile Crisis. The image could also represent the fertility and freshness that President Kennedy brought to the country. For all of Reassurance’s use of symbolism through pop culture, and the double meanings he uses, I consider Retroactive a work of art. It uses themes of collage through the gathering and connecting unrelated images into a cohesive work. His use of pop culture images and icons, familiar with the American public and the rest of the world as well, allows me to say that this is also a form of pop art. The pictures also hold significant importance in a historical sense and he uses these images to show what important events took place around the time that the primary figure of this image, narrative and cultural story telling. Reassurances uses colors both warm and cool to convey emotions and he enables the viewer to draw their own conclusions to the meanings of each image in connection with the other ones in the work. How to cite Retroactive: a Single Work of Art, with Many Faces, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Compare and contrast the economy of australia and japan free essay sample

In today society, in order to see and understand how the Australia’s economy develops and operates, economists often compare and contrast the Australian economy with other highly advanced industrialized economies around the world such as US, China, Korea, etc. In this essay, I will compare and contrast Australia and Japan’s economy to see how each system deal with specific issues such as economic growth, quality of life, employment and unemployment, distribution of income, environmental sustainability and the role of government. First of all, economic growth is generally thought of as the most significant single measurement of an economy’s performance. Economic growth is measured by the as the percentage increase in the value of goods and services an economy produces over a period of time, this also refers to the â€Å"Gross Domestic Product† GDP. The total GDP of Australia is 1. 52 trillion dollars in 2013, expanded 0. 80% in the fourth quarter of 2013 over the previous quarter. We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and contrast the economy of australia and japan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Whilst the total GDP of Japan is 4. 52 trillion dollars in 2013, expanded 0. 30% in the fourth quarter of 2013 over the previous quarter. From looking at the recent statistics in the year 2013, the economic growth of Japan is much more greater than Australia, the total GDP of Japan is four times greater than GDP of Australia, also Japan has a more sustainable growth, only 0. 30% increase from the previous quarter compared to Australia with 0. 80% increased from the previous quarter. In fact, Japan is the world’s third largest automobile manufacturing country, has the largest electronics goods industry and is ranked among the world’s most innovative country. Whilst Australia still primarily depends itself on the â€Å"mining boom†, resources and trade, however the recent statistics showed that the â€Å"mining boom† is significantly dropping and the falls of Quatas has caused Australia to face some serious problems. It is clear why Japan economy growth is stronger than Australia. Second of all, quality of life is the most elemental factor of every country and economy. Statistic showed that in Australia, the Human Development Index ( HDI ) is 0. 938, the life of expectancy is 91. 9 and the mean expected years of schooling is 12. 0. Similarly statistics also showed that, the HDI of Japan is 0. 912, the life expectancy is 83. 4 and the mean expected years of schooling is 11. 6. Because Japan and Australia are both developed countries and ranked top ten in the Asian economic region, members of the Group of 20, the quality of life in both countries are almost identical and worth living. Third of all, employment and unemployment is an issue that all economy is facing. The recent statistics showed that, in 2014 the unemployment rate in Australia increased to 6% in Jan 2014, historically the unemployment rate in Australia averaged 6. 93% from 1978 – 2014, the highest was 10. 90% in December of 1992 and lowest was 4% in February of 2008. Whereas unemployment rate in Japan remained unchanged at 3. 70% in Jan of 2014 from 3. 70 in December of 2013, historically unployment rate in Japan averaged 2. 70% from 1953-2014, the highest of all time was 5. 30 in july of 2009 and lowest was 1% in November of 2008. It is clearly that the unemployment rate in Australia is much more higher than Japan, almost twice bigger. Because Japan has the largest electronics goods industry and still in the process of industrialization compared to Astralia, the majority of people employed in services industries such as retail trade and real estate and industries like manufacturing and construction continue to provide a substantial number of jobs. Fourth of all, the distribution of income, it is very important how income is distributed within an economy. Statistics showed that the GINI index of Australia is 35 likewise the GINI index of Japan is 25. Both economies tend to have a relatively equal distribution of come, but Japan is slightly tend to have a more equal distribution of income than Australia. Both economies try balance income between those who has ownership of resources such as land, capital or enterprise and who doesn’t have access to these resources and has disability that they unable to contribute the economy market. Fifth of all, environmental sustainability has been an uncreasingly important part of modern economies. In Australia, persistent drought and resulting water restriction during the first decade of the twenty-first century are example of natural events caused climate change. Australia is in the top ten countries globally with respect to greenhouse gas emission per capita, also the major exported and consumer of coal. Australia is also the eight highest emitter of CO2 gasses per capita in the worl, 16. 5 tonnes per capita. As well as Japan, Japan is under treaty obligations to reduce its CO2 emission level by 6% less than the lvel in 1990 and to tale another step to comstraomt climate change. Japan is the fifth biggest emission emitter. Also Japan mains one third of its electric production from nuclear power plants. Treatment of radioactive waste also became a subject of discussion in Japan